Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Training in Sonora

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Training
Estado Libre y Soberano de Sonora es rica en recursos minerales. QFD training describes Quality Function Deployment - product design 'gone right' transforming customer needs into profit maximized launch plans.
Price $349
Duration 1 day
Format In-person, instructor-led slideshow with exercises and a quiz to test comprehension.
Materials Each student will receive a 3-ring binder containing print-outs of the slideshow. Assuming satisfactory quiz results graded a few days after class, each student will receive a Certificate of Completion.
Start Day
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About Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Training

Who is Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Training for?

Quality Function Deployment Training is for anybody hoping to maximize profitability resulting from the design of their service, process, or product. Sometimes, QFD is referred to as the "House of Quality" because its product planning matrices have the shape of a house. In our course, Sonora students learn:

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Training Course Overview:

Far too often, engineers gather among themselves, and pump out designs with zero input from actual customers. The worst example we've seen was $20M spent on developing a pressure-based uninterruptable power supply system that had no market interest. The engineers thought it was a great idea. And technically it was pretty nifty. Unfortunately, nobody wanted to buy it, and it was a complete waste of shareholder dollars. To avoid mistakes like this, our Sonora students learn a structured approach to capturing customer needs and translating them into specific plans to produce products to meet those needs.

Customer Needs. Capturing "voice of the customer" (VOC) through direct discussion or interviews, surveys, focus groups, customer specifications, observation, warranty data, field reports, etc.

Product Planning. Constructing a matrix to translate general customer "what's" into more specific engineering "how's" being product requirements or technical characteristics to satisfy the needs.

Part Deployment. Cascading assembly-level requirements down to the component level.

Process Planning. Evaluating candidate manufacturing processes and choosing processes to make each part.

Quality Control. Defining process control plans to assure retention of capability throughout each part's production.


Estado Libre y Soberano de Sonora es rica en recursos minerales. Esto ha llevado a una historia de autosuficiencia, en la que muchos se ven a sí mismos como los herederos de una tradición pionera. Mucho de esto está ligado a la tradición vaquera, ya que gran parte de la economía del estado ha estado tradicionalmente ligada a la ganadería. Los sonorenses y otros norteños tienen la reputación de ser trabajadores y frugales. Teniendo en cuenta la industria ganadera tradicional de Sonora, que tiene reputación de calidad, se recomienda disfrutar de un buen bistec. Las tortillas grandes de trigo rellenas de carne de res y queso son populares.



Fast-track your Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Training registration by choosing one of our most highly recommended cities below.

Nogales, SO


Read what our students and clients have to say.

Tom W.
Tom W.
Operations Lead

SMED training was very informative and I look forward to working with our team to help improve how we do business.