Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing - ASME Y14.5 2018 Intro. (GD&T1) Training in Sonora

Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing - ASME Y14.5 2018 Intro. (GD&T1) Training
Estado Libre y Soberano de Sonora es rica en recursos minerales. GD&T training describes Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing letting Sonora students specify part geometries consistent with their manufacturability.
Price $698 / student assuming min. enrollment is met
Duration 2 days
Format In-person, instructor-led slideshow with exercises ending in a test of comprehension.
Materials Each student will receive a 3-ring binder containing color print-outs of the slideshow. Please note, this material and the presentation itself are copyrighted. A Certificate of Completion is released for each student who passes their test and for which payment for the training clears.
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About Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing - ASME Y14.5 2018 Intro. (GD&T1) Training

Who is Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing - ASME Y14.5 2018 Intro. (GD&T1) Training for?

Anybody who makes or uses engineering drawings should know GD&T. This includes, drafters, designers, engineers of all disciplines, buyers, machinists, maintenance technicians, salespeople, auditors, inspectors, and their management. In our course, Sonora students learn:

Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing - ASME Y14.5 2018 Intro. (GD&T1) Training Course Overview:

Prints serve their internal customer users including Product Design, Purchasing, Manufacturing Engineering, and Production. It is important that information be communicated clearly and in a useful manner to these important stakeholders. As such, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) symbology is articulated in ASME Y14.5 to satisfy this need.

Our 2-day introduction to GD&T fundamentals covers the following with exercises throughout and a test for comprehension at the end. Sonora students will learn:

Overview. Units of measure, fundamental dimensioning rules, terms, material conditions, extreme form variation, allowance, clearance, and types of fit.

Symbols. Dimensioning symbols and templates, datum features and targets, geometric characters, material conditions, and feature control.

Datums. Symbol, surface, frame, and target. Also includes partial and coplanar.

Material Conditions. Limits of size, perfect form boundary, regardless of feature size (RFS), maximum material condition (MMC), least material condition (LMC), datum feature hierarchy, and datum precedence.

Form and Profile. Straightness, flatness, circularity, cylindricity, profile, and, free state variation.

Orientation and Runout. Orientation, runout, combinations, tangent plane.

Location. Position, coaxial features, non-parallel holes, slotted holes, spheres, fasteners, projected zones, virtual conditions, concentricity, coaxiality, and symmetry.


Estado Libre y Soberano de Sonora es rica en recursos minerales. Esto ha llevado a una historia de autosuficiencia, en la que muchos se ven a sí mismos como los herederos de una tradición pionera. Mucho de esto está ligado a la tradición vaquera, ya que gran parte de la economía del estado ha estado tradicionalmente ligada a la ganadería. Los sonorenses y otros norteños tienen la reputación de ser trabajadores y frugales. Teniendo en cuenta la industria ganadera tradicional de Sonora, que tiene reputación de calidad, se recomienda disfrutar de un buen bistec. Las tortillas grandes de trigo rellenas de carne de res y queso son populares.



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Nogales, SO


Read what our students and clients have to say.

Jared C.
Jared C.
CNC Programmer

Great GD&T course. I learned a ton of new info.