Design of Experiments (DOE) Training in Texas

Design of Experiments (DOE) Training
Each possesses its own advantages. DOE training explains Design of Experiments - the strongest root cause analysis technique ranking a problem's causes & fastest way to optimize.
Price $349 / student assuming min. enrollment is met
Duration 1 day
Format In-person, instructor-led slideshow with exercises ending in a test of comprehension.
Materials Each student will receive a 3-ring binder containing color print-outs of the slideshow. Please note, this material and the presentation itself are copyrighted. A Certificate of Completion is released for each student who passes their test and for which payment for the training clears.
Start Day
facility match

Cities Recommended in Texas

San AntonioTX

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About Design of Experiments (DOE) Training

Who is Design of Experiments (DOE) Training for?

Design of Experiments can be used by anyone wanting to improve a service, process, or product. If the situation can be represented or modeled as a system with an output driven by inputs all of which can be measured, and inputs can be set at different levels, then DOE training is for you. In our course, Texas students learn:

Design of Experiments (DOE) Training Course Overview:

We regard Design of Experiments (DOE) as the most powerful root cause analysis tool in the world. Our Masters have used DOE to produce 6-digit per year savings many times across a broad range of industries and applications. It's definitely worth adding to your arsenal. DOE can optimize product design when seeking to improve some performance criteria influenced by component dimensions or general features. By setting these features to varying, measurable levels, their relative influence on the response and preferable settings can be determined. Similarly, DOE can optimize process design when seeing to improve a process output influenced by process inputs. Even soft inputs like shift A,B,C can be used. Defect rate is commonly the process output, but many others such as operating cost can be used. From a service perspective, employee satisfaction would be an HR example. To domenstrate this, our class uses a fun case study providing a real, physical system allowing Texas students to actually experience how DOE works. Advanced topics such as fractional factorial arrays, multi-level factors, Taguchi arrays, etc. are covered. Statistical software such as Minitab or SigmaXL is also used.


The Lone Star State - Don't Mess With Texas

Each possesses its own advantages. For example, Houston is an excellent opportunity to network with oil and gas professionals. Combined, the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex is a massive area full of aerospace companies. The US Postal Service also has a substantial presence in Dallas. Austin is a fun city with mostly tech. San Antonio is a famous Toyota location. Although perhaps less known, HEB is huge there along with several banks. Galveston is cool because it's on the Gulf Coast. And some of our classes sail from there on cruise ships. Yep, you read that right. Check it out. Texan cuisine is founded on BBQ, chicken fried steak, chili, fried okra, tex mex, brisket tacos, tortilla soup, Dr. Pepper, frozen margaritas, and pecan pie. Consider a native blue topaz souvenir with stones harvested exclusively from Mason County streambeds and ravines.



Fast-track your Design of Experiments (DOE) Training registration by choosing one of our most highly recommended cities below.

Houston, TX
Credit: Henry Han

San Antonio
San Antonio, TX
Credit: Theopolisme

Austin, TX
Credit: Daniel Mayer

Dallas, TX
Credit: Alan Botting


Read what our students and clients have to say.

Dave H.
Dave H.
EH&S Manager
Ship Building

So happy to get a professional that knows what they're talking about in here to teach us something useful. Our hands-on measurement system analysis exercise revealed problems with one of the gages most frequently used by Quality.